Saturday, February 28, 2009

Can you phrase that in terms of Epicness?

I often  find myself thinking of ways to improve upon everyday foods, trying to take everything awesome and smash it up into one. I'm pretty sure it's the same logic behind the Turducken. Take 3 delicious meats smash 'em into each other and roast. However, they are times where it goes too far, like taking said Turducken and covering it in Bacon. I mean, I love bacon, but.. really? I don't like to think about all that fat soaking into the bird, and can't imagine it tasting any good. It's an Epic food fail, similar to my stuffing experiment. Bread good, bacon good, sausage good, brussel sprouts good, cheese good, broth good, mix 'em up: NOT GOOD.
My recently acquired spring form pan has got me thinking off all the new things I could make, besides cheesecake, and I think I've found my Epic winner. A dolce de leche cheesecake with a carmel toping that is then followed by a croquembouche. The only real problem I can see with this is that one, or hopefully more than one, would have to eat said topping before digging into the cheesecake, and most would say this in no problem at all. 
Hopefully I'll get a chance in the future to make this Epic creation, and that it wont turn out to be an Epic Fail. 

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