Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I haven't had time to make anything exciting, (As I don't think re-heating dinner counts), so I leave you with a link.
Go all weak-kneed over these delights, cupcakes!
I've got a few bookmarked!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

"So the lion fell in love with the lamb

Stupid lamb
Sick masochistic lion"

Wouldn't be that way if the lion just smartened up and ate that lamb, like I did.
Cravings out of my usual two rarely strike me, beef jerky and chocolate if you were wondering, however this week has been an onslaught of constant wants. From the decedent mac and cheese a few nights ago, to fried chicken last night, it's been crazy keeping up with the list of things pilling into my head. I blame spending too much time reading food blogs, but I'm going to let it be, as my other cravings for fruits and mushrooms equal out all unhealthy ones. 
Tonight I'd figure planned on getting a nice cut of meat, something to help finish off the bottle of Valpolicella I opened last night to help me relax, or at-least pass-out in a timely manner. However, when I arrived at my local butcher, the thought of sweet, tender lamb filled my head, and that was it, I needed myself a rack. 

Rub with garlic clove and sprig of rosemary. Salt and Pepper. Set oven to 450, and cook for 15, fat side down. Reduce to 400, flip and cook for another 20-30. I went to 22mins, and wish I had taken it out at 20, as I like my meat a little more rare. Serve with yam fries. 


Did I tell you I made Macarons?
I put every gram of baking knowledge I have to the ultimate test, and made the elusive, tricky, and simply irritable Parisian delight. I had been talking about it for weeks, and when I discovered that my local Metro sells bulk ground almonds, I knew it was time. So I prepped with reading every blog I could find on the subject, memorized pictures, knew how to spot a macaright, and a macawrong dead on, and spent a few too many night drooling on the Pierre Herme website. When I mentioned I was going to make this leap of pastry faith at a recent work party, the words 'salted caramel' where passed across the table. As I never have had the delight of munching on an authentic macaron, and this flavour seemed to be a winner, it was decided. Also, there's plenty of recipes!

Batter up anyone?
I chose a pale pink, because well, it's me, and what's an un-colored macaron after-all?

I realised on after-the-fact, that burning the Carmel a little more would have provided a slightly better result. Although, no one who tried it put up fuss.

My little army of pale pink and tan creatures. Look, they have feet! 
I have no completed pictures, as they were given away, or snatched up by myself too fast!
I've learned a few things for my next batch like to actually sift the mixture, and perhaps get better at piping? More food coloring too!
So, this is not the end of my exploration into macarons. Next time I think the Puritan Impulse said she would like to join me, and I'm sure her photography skills will produce much more mouthwatering results.
Recipes can be found here:
Batter-Up at Serious Eats

I'm in love

We finally met today, and it was instantaneous love. Admittedly we'd been eyeing each other over the past few weeks during my morning commute, which made me yearn for him even more. Tired of waiting around for him to come to me, (as I'm sure he really can't, or that would be a completely different story) I made the first move. I mean, it's a new year, and who says girls can't make the first move? And I really, really can't resist a mustache. 
Oh, and his name? Bialetti! You know how I like those Italians.
Finally, I have you all to myself. And combined with illy espresso, you make my head spin in delight.
If I have my way, I take him with a dollop of un-sweetened fresh whipped cream, but other wise, straight up works too.

ETA: It's only early night, and I've already had him twice!

Monday, January 12, 2009

On being sick and baking

It's happened again, the nauseous, headache, runny-nose, congestion and miserable pain that my body likes to put me through. I really miss that year long strike against sickness I had going on a while back.Alas, my self prescribed doctors note was to stay in bed, drink plenty of orange juice and rest away. It's times like these I'm glad I had left over chicken soup stored away in my freezer. Thankfully some energy returned to me this evening and I decided to make a dead easy bacon and onion tart for dinner.

Simply make a pie crust, and let it chill for a bit (really, the better the longer, mine only stayed in for the duration of onion and bacon cooking).
Then chop 2 medium onions and 6 slices of bacon. Toss into frying pan, and let them go until the bacon had crisped and the onions somewhat caramelized, stirring frequently.
Then roll out your crust to desired shape and thickness (I went with whatever my lazy ass would produce as my rolling-pin skills are severely diminished with sickness). Toss it on your baking sheet and prick with a fork.
I decided to use the remainder of the Gruyere cheese I had in the fridge, which when grated came out to a heaping half cup. Toss on the bacon and onion mixture. Grind some pepper and sprinkle a little fleur de sel.
Bake till the crust is golden and fluffly!
While it was in the oven, I chared a bell pepper to go on the following recipe. 
It might not look like it, but that gas burner was on.

On other baking news I made a loaf of flaxseed bread yesterday. I adapted it from a Smitten Kitchen recipe for the Bread Without A Timetable.

Opting to use all white flour (as that's all I had) and substituted out a 1/4 cup of flour for flaxseed. I'm trying to incorporate those damn things into everything after I bought a large bag for Christmas onion and flaxseed crackers. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Time, and A Roast Chicken

I've fallen ill to the world of blogs. After spending endless hours reading the wonderful food blogs out there, I've decided to start my own.
A few days ago I decided to tackle the frozen chicken I've had sitting away. 
Inspired by a recipe in my Williams Sonoma Cookbook, I did a variation of their apple and sage roasted chicken. So simple and it was the best chicken I've ever had. 
Simply rub the inside with lemon squeezing it as you go, then leave the wedge in there, throw in some celery, apple, onion and then your sage. In this case I used thyme, as I prefer it. Cook breast down at first, then flip and finish off. 
I served it with braised fennel. So tasty!
Best thing though, use the carcass to make broth and then a tasty chicken soup!