Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cheese please

The April 2009 challenge is hosted by Jenny from Jenny Bakes. She has chosen Abbey's Infamous Cheesecake as the challenge.

I've done it, completed my first Daring Baker Challenge. Okay, okay, so I'm two days late posting, first time's never perfect, right? My days have been filled with cramming as much history of design into my head as possible. So much that, I can firmly say this cheesecake in honest. There are no underlaying steel tubes, or 79 screws holding it together, and it is indeed greatly comprised of cream cheese. 

I chose to do a very Spring inspired cake, keeping away from anything heavy or rich. I added 2 1/2 tablespoons of rosewater to the mix, the zest of two blood oranges, and the juice of one. I opted to keep the vanilla out, even though I know it's staple in almost all baking. Besides these few modifications I kept everything else the same, including a graham cracker crust!
I toped it with a simple icing with the zest and juice of one blood orange, and a few sugar bits of zest. I originally had the idea to place candied orange rind on, but when I got studying, and came into my kitchen full to the brim with smoke only to find my rinds burnt to a pot I think I'm going to throw away.
I can't vouch for it's taste yet, but the batter was rather good, and the icing, sweet and fresh. I'll let you know how a gaggle of fashion students respond to it.